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Subtitles - Checking "Add comments feature by subtitles" activates the comments written in the Edit Slide window under each photo. These comments will work like subtitles on a commercial DVD. You can actually type up to 3 different "types" of subtitles/comments for your pictures. I.E. for track 1 you could write comments that descibe the date and place the photos where taken, and track 2 could be comments about what was happening in the photos. Some users write the tracks in different languages: Track 1 in english, Track 2 in spanish, etc. Subtitle tracks can be are activated or not when watching your DVD. To activate the subtitles go into the settings of your DVD menu or press the button "Subtitles" on your DVD players remote control. <Enter your subtitle track 1 title here> allows you to name your subtitle Track. You will find this name in your Settings Menu. If you wrote the first subtitle track in Spanish you might want to name is "English", and "Spanish" for the second Track fi that was the case. You can also change the font, color, and size of your subtitles by using the drop down box or clicking on the icon. The drop down Language setting allows you to define what language this track is in. Actually when navigating through different subtitle tracks pressing the "subtitle" button on your DVD player's remote control on the screen you will see the abbreviation text of the language of your subtitle stream. So you can define that here. Standard DVD players work this way, but for PhotoDVD as you might use the tracks for something other than different languages try to think of different definitions for your Language abbreviation. Example: da for date. Add a subtitle channel from filename: will create a 4th subtitle track, and it will use the name of your orignal file. In Photo list, in the first step of PhotoDVD, you will see the filename. Here in this example you will see it in yellow. Remove extention from filename: will remove the extension from the filename for your subtitle channel/Track. For example in the case above it will use only "PB060024" and removing the ".JPEG" from the name. Chapters – If “automatic chapters” is checked this will set a chapter point at every xx minutes and xx seconds (02m00s). If it is not checked you can still add chapters manually by right clicking on your photos and selecting “Chapter” | “add Chapter marker”. If you have already added automatic chapters you can still add custom/manual chapters. You can also change the time at which you want your automatic chapters to be placed and this will not change your manual chapters (which are not attached to a time, but to a photo). Automatic chapters are not saved as a setting when saving a project. Automatic Chapter markers are a grey color Manual chapter markers are an orange color Media Statistics - Gives you the option to choose whether or not you give VSO Software permission to collect your burning information. NOTE: We do not collect any information that may help to identify a given computer or person!